Accelerating Gaussian elimination method for linear systems on GPU 用GPU加速求解线性方程组的高斯消元法
An example is shown to illustrate the valid application of the Wu elimination method in inverse kinematics of the opened-chain robots. 结合实例说明了吴消元法在开链机器人运动学逆问题求解中的有效性。
Then has analyzed the motor car engine idling regime not steady several kind of common failure diagnosis and the elimination method; 然后分析了汽车发动机怠速不稳的几种常见故障诊断与排除方法;
Using this method and Wu elimination method, many new explicit and exact travelling wave solution are obtained to a class of reaction diffusion equation. 用这种方法和吴消元法,得到一类反应扩散方程的许多显式和精确行波解。
The paper analyzed fault diagnosis and elimination method. 文章解析故障诊断与排除方法。
Common Breakdown and the Elimination Method of the Silvered Film Soaks Bright Working Procedure 镀银层浸亮工序常见故障及排除方法
Weeds from Between-row Crop Elimination Method Based on Scale-free Networks 基于无尺度网络的行间作物杂草清除方法
In the elimination method of solving linear equations, pivot in an elimination step is a element with maximum-mod. 在解线性方程组的消元法中,主元素指在某步消元时模最大的那个元素。
Gauss law and order eliminate Gauss out PCA elimination method is commonly used computers to solve linear equations in a direct way. 本人的数值分析课程设计,比较完整!Gauss顺序消去法与Gauss列主元消去法是计算机上常用来求解线性方程组的一种直接的方法。
Application of the improved Gauss elimination method to ore prediction model 改进的Gauss消去法在成矿预测模型中的应用
Noise elimination method in Web page based on improved DOM tree 基于改进DOM树的网页去噪声方法
Robert has anomalous or fault display and elimination method description. 有异常或故障显示及排除方法说明。
In this procedure, used in the column PCA Gauss elimination method for solving equations. 在本程序中,用到了列主元高斯消元法求解方程组。-1。
Static Voltage Stability Study of Power Systems Based on Wu Elimination Method and Network Flow Theory 基于吴消元法和网络流理论的静态电压稳定研究
An Instance for the Solution of the Large Sparse nine-diagonal Lineal Systems Using Approximate Matrix Factorization Bisection Elimination Method for the Parallel Solution of Tridiagonal Linear System of Equations 大型九对角线性方程组的近似三角分解法算法实例并行求解三对角方程组的二分消元法
In this paper, the main work and conclusions are as follows: ( 1) Introduction of Wu Elimination Method. 本文的主要工作和成果如下:(1)介绍吴消元法的基本内容。
On recognition and elimination method of electromagnetic interference in earthquake instrument system 地震仪表系统中电磁干扰识别与排除方法研究
Research of distortion induced by translation of the potential line and elimination method in the electric field tracing experiment 电场描绘实验中等位线平移畸变及消除方法的研究
Influencing Factors and Elimination Method in Ion Chromatography Analysis 离子色谱分析中影响因素及消除方法
An effective confusing backgrounds elimination method is proposed. 提出了一种去除图像中混淆背景的有效方法。
The structural elimination method in fault diagnosis based on mathematics model and measure parameter 基于数学模型和测量参数进行故障诊断的结构排除法
The cause and elimination method of error of cleaning step during phase analysis have been studied. 本文研究了相分析清洗过程误差的来源和减小的方法。
In waveform design aspect the impulse response elimination method is presented to detect and discriminate the targets. 在发射波形设计中提出了冲击响应消去法,设计与目标匹配的发射波形来检测和识别目标;
This paper studies the elimination method of reflections in high-speed digital-circuit design. 主要研究了高速数字电路设计中信号反射的抑制方法。
In order to study half-speed whirl that is subjected to nonlinear oil force of rotor-bearing system, the Wu Elimination method and symbolic calculation method are combined in this paper. 为研究转子轴承系统中非线性油膜力引起的半速涡动,本文给出了将吴文俊消去法和符号计算相结合的分析方法。
The Application of Wu Elimination Method and Wu Differential Characteristic Set Method to Lagrange System 吴消元法和吴微分特征列法在Lagrange系统中的应用
This paper studied the hydride generation acidity of Tin and the elimination method of interference was proposed. 通过对锡氢化物发生的酸度等条件进行了研究并提出克服干扰元素的办法。